Singpass – Myinfo / Verify / SafeEntry x509 Certificates
Singpass – Myinfo / Verify / SafeEntry x509 Certificates
Singpass – Myinfo / Verify / SafeEntry x509 Certificates
Netrust offers x509 server certificates for Singpass applications, such as Singpass/Corppass Login, Myinfo/Myinfo Business, and Verify, for both the public and private sectors.
Myinfo certificate: Speed up eKYC processes for individual users easily with data from government sources. Implements RS256 (RSA Signature with SHA-256) Digital Signature for Myinfo APIs in your apps, uses a x509 Public Key Certificate with RSA key size of 2048 bit.
NOTE: ECC and ECDSA Public Key Certificates are currently NOT supported.
NOTE: ECC and ECDSA Public Key Certificates are currently NOT supported.
Due to Singpass requirements, the following must be implemented:
- Keys that are from a compatible CA (i.e. self-signed keys are not supported)
- Different keys for staging and production environments.
- You may use the same public key for different products/services that integrate with Myinfo, as long as different keys are used for staging and production environments
Verify certificate: Enables users to show proof of their identity and share personal data securely in a physical setting by scanning QR codes.
This service provides businesses with a digital alternative for visitor registration and access, customer acquisition at roadshows, or other use cases that require user identification.
SafeEntry certificate: Digital services which have integrated with SafeEntry API should track and store user transactions for potential issue management.
Implement RS256 (RSA Signature with SHA-256) Digital Signature for SafeEntry APIs in your apps, uses a x509 Public Key Certificate with RSA key size of 2048 bit.
Singpass certificate: Being an IMDA-accredited Certificate Authority and a leading Digital Signing Application Provider (DSAP) of Singpass, Netrust fully understands Singpass requirements. Our x509 certificates are well-positioned to support your organization’s integration with Singpass. Apart from providing digital certificates for Singpass applications, Netrust has developed authentication modules that allow ease of integration to Singpass/CorpPass and Singpass Login platforms
Click here for the Guide to upload Netrust Certificate to Myinfo Portal.
Need help integrating with Singpass/Myinfo? Click here to find out more.