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nSignBasic Cloud Signing – Icing on the cake

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nSignBasic Cloud Signing is a service where Netrust stores the signer’s private key and signs requested documents on the signer’s behalf when authorized. This approach takes the convenience factor up a notch while retaining the security benefits of a USB cryptographic token. With nSignBasic Cloud Signing, anyone can sign any document anywhere anytime.

In today’s digital signature landscape, it is normal for the signer to carry a USB cryptographic token containing the private keys before the signer can digitally sign on documents. In terms of security, this already takes the cake. That’s already quite nice, but what if we could make it even sweeter?

Are there other alternatives to tokens today? Sign with Singpass is one such avenue (You can experience Sign with Singpass anytime using our free nSignSG service). It is secure, convenient, and backed by the Singapore Government. However, this service is only available to Singpass Mobile users and allows signing in a personal capacity[1]. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

To complete the circle, enter nSignBasic Cloud Signing.

Private Keys User Authorisation Activation USB Cryptographic Tokens and HSMs Sign with Singpass, Cloud, Security

nSignBasic Cloud Signing is a service where Netrust stores the signer’s private keys on behalf of the signer. The keys are stored securely in Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) and routine maintenance and technology refresh is handled by Netrust such that the signer has a seamless user experience while maintaining a high level of security and convenience.

To utilize the service, simply register for a certificate with Netrust and request for it to be provisioned into nSignBasic Cloud Signing. Next, set up strong authentication on the account. Finally use a compatible signing application such as nSignHub, a workflow solution, to call upon the private keys for signing. [2]

nSignBasic Cloud Signing is designed so that the signer’s keys will not be activated until the signer provides strong authentication, and even then, only the documents designated by the signer will be signed. This system can be utilized anywhere, anytime in the world without having to carry a cryptographic token to boot.

That’s not to say that the token is going the way of the dodo. It still serves some use cases well, for example when the signer does not have any network connectivity or is somehow restricted by the environment. The token is also useful when the signer wants to keep his/her private keys personally.


USB cryptographic tokens and HSMs provide top-notch security for the signer’s private keys. Throw in a pinch of convenience with nSignBasic Cloud Signing, and that’s just the icing on top of the cake.

nSignBasic Cloud Signing is a new product offering that will be launched soon. Stay tuned for updates.

Get your digital identity with us now! Check out nSignBasic for more information. You can also buy it online immediately. For other enquiries such as a large number of certificates or getting certificates issued programmatically, feel free to contact our sales team at

Do you just need to get a document signed with Singpass? You can use nSignSG, a free service from #NetrustGivesBack initiative to get it done fuss free.

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[1] Information is accurate at the time of publication.

[2] Further usage details will be provided after the product is launched.



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