Louis at work HSM

Beyond Basics: Optimising Certificate Lifecycle Management for Future Security

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a necessity in today’s digital-first world. Organisations leverage on Digital Certificates to secure their networks, safeguard sensitive data, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. As we move forward, having a PKI is beyond just issuing and renewing certificates, an organisation must have the capability to manage the whole lifecycle of each individual certificate. The Growing Importance

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SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates Get Shorter, but Why?

As a cybersecurity practitioner, you have probably observed something odd in recent years: SSL certificate validity periods have dropped dramatically. You may have created an SSL certificate five years ago and left it valid for five years without having to pay any attention. Right now, it can only be issued for one year. These developments are compiled on a timeline below:

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Ashok at Work with SSL

SSL Certificates: Verification & Differences between DV, OV, and EV Certificates

In today’s digital landscape, SSL Certificates are crucial for securing online communications by encrypting data exchanged between web browsers and servers. They help protect sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card details, from unauthorised access. Understanding the differences between Domain Validated (DV), Organization Validated (OV), and Extended Validation (EV) Certificates—along with their verification processes—is essential for enhancing security and building

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Certification Authority Browser Forum

Understanding CA/B Forum: Securing the Web, One Certificate at a Time

In the vast landscape of cybersecurity, one crucial element stands out – digital certificates. These small data files authenticate the identities of websites, ensuring secure connections between users and web servers. At the heart of this system lies the Certification Authority/Browser Forum (CA/B Forum), a consortium of industry leaders dedicated to enhancing the security and reliability of the internet. Understanding the

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Securing the Foundation: Effective Certificate Management

In an era where digital security is paramount, effective certificate management stands as a cornerstone of safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining trust in online interactions. Digital certificates play a crucial role in establishing secure connections, authenticating identities, and ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged over networks. However, managing certificates across diverse environments can be complex and challenging. From SSL/TLS

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Beyond Compliance: How Separate SSL Certificates Boost Software Security

Have you ever considered the security implications of using the same Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate across different software testing and production environments? In today’s fast-changing digital world, ensuring the security of your software is paramount. One often-overlooked aspect of this security is the management of SSL certificates in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Production (PROD) environments. Let’s explore why separate

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Domain Validation: A Must for CA OV/EV Certificates

In today’s digital age, where almost everything is conducted online, the importance of domain validation in CA certificates cannot be emphasized enough. A correct certificate validation process is vital to ensure a server’s or website’s authenticity. Without proper validation, an attacker can intercept and manipulate the traffic between a client and server undetected, leading to dire consequences. To prevent this from

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Digital Trust, Cybersecurity

Digital Trust in the Digital World: Fostering Cybersecurity with Certificate Authorities

As the world becomes increasingly digital, businesses and individuals rely heavily on online transactions and communications for seamless operations. This shift from in-person transactions to digital interactions presents unique security challenges. In this landscape, fostering digital trust is paramount for maintaining security and integrity of sensitive information. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of building digital trust and explore

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How TLS SSL Keeps Your Data Safe Data Encryption

How TLS/SSL Keeps Your Data Safe!

Generally, people don’t think much about how their data is transmitted across the internet but if you’re responsible for keeping sensitive information safe, it’s important to understand how TLS/SSL works and its importance. TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) are protocols that provide security for communication over networks such as the internet. They use a combination of public

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Secure SSL Encryption HTTPS Certificate

Benefits and Implications of Reduced SSL Certificate Lifespan

The world’s most popular security protocol, SSL/TLS, is a critical part of any organization’s digital strategy. However, since 1 September 2020, Apple started reducing SSL/TLS validity to just 398 days (one year, plus roughly one month to facilitate renewals). This decision was then followed by both Google and Mozilla. These web browser makers believed in the benefits of reduced SSL Certificate

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