Cyber Security Archives - Page 7 of 8 - Netrust
Addressing the Security Gaps of Microsoft CA

Addressing the Security Gaps of Microsoft CA (ADCS)

In today’s Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) field, it is common to see organizations leverage on Microsoft Certificate Authority (CA) to build their internal PKI System. However, a lot of organizations are not aware of the security gaps that Microsoft brings to the table and what are the issues that might bring to them. In this blog, we will discuss the security

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The Right Approach to Data Encryption

With recent global events, many businesses are adopting, or at least temporarily accepting, a work-from-home model. Cybersecurity experts all over the world are raising the alarm about the increased threat of data breaches. Working remotely extends the data risk plane. While this is the right response to mitigate the current concerns, enabling a distributed workforce does come with its own set

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Don’t Get Hooked By Phishing

Don’t Get Hooked By Phishing

Phishing is a kind of social engineering attack. Often it is a low-tech attack as opposed to high-tech attacks like security system hacking or password hacking. These malicious attacks employ psychological tricks to lead users into divulging sensitive information or unknowingly providing security access. The most common form of social engineering is email phishing. Steps perpetrators use: 1. Casting a wide

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See More, Respond Faster with Trend Micro Vision One™

See More, Respond Faster with Trend Micro Vision One™

See More, Respond Faster with Trend Micro Vision One™ With the recent increase in cyberattacks due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is more critical than ever to be aware of your organization’s security posture. The threat landscape is constantly changing, and as malicious actors are always using new tools and tricks, it becomes imperative for organizations to have visibility in their

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Transaction Signing

Transaction Signing for All

A Must Have “Transaction Signing” for All Recently in Singapore, a major bank was facing losses up to S$13.7 million dollars in a month during December 2021 alone. All this was due to phishing. The main culprit was due to victims who fell prey and provided their online banking log in credentials and one time pins to phishing websites thus multi-factor

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DevSecOps with Checkmarx

DevSecOps with Checkmarx Have you ever encountered a situation whereby you are not able to deploy an application due to vulnerabilities in the codes? Remediation measures are generally time consuming and expensive when vulnerabilities are discovered in the later stages of the development cycle. Worst still, having a vulnerable code pushed to production could lead to exploitation causing downtime or data

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nSignBasic – The New Face of Document Signing

nSignBasic – The New Face of Document Signing With the plan of improving the lives of citizens and creating more opportunities, Singapore was progressing towards a Smart Nation by using digital technology to the fullest. However, the unforeseen pandemic arrival has forced many to transition to the digital world for continuity in everyday life. Many were fastened on the traditional method

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Going Passwordless!

Going Passwordless! Removing the password effectively removes all password hacks The core concept of security in the enterprise, as well as elsewhere in society, is identity. Are you who you say you are and do you have a right to be here? When it comes to verifying identity, usernames and passwords are universally used log in to websites and applications. The

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The Art of Proactive Vulnerability Remediation

Vulnerability remediation is often an uphill task for most organisations as they struggle to identify, prioritise and remediate them. In addition, due to the dynamic landscape in vulnerability discoveries by third party vendors. It has made it even more challenging for them to step into this massive area without causing them massive headaches or anxieties. To add on to the complexity

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