Authenticating Signatures in Days of Yore

Did you know that Digital Signatures was first implemented in 1988? It implemented the RSA cryptographic algorithm, which is still being developed and used today. Even so, not too long ago, the corporate world was still using rubber stamps and wet ink signatures to legalise documents. They would even share the authorisation process by sharing the physical stamp with their employees,

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Application Security and Supply Chain Security: The Modern-Day Dynamic Duo in Strengthening Software Integrity

In today’s interconnected world, software applications have become the backbone of every business operation. Many of these applications are leveraging ready-made open-source components and third-party packages out there in the market. The increased reliance on these has introduced new challenges in terms of security. Open-source vulnerabilities are often left unchecked and can potentially become a significant threat to software integrity and

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Understanding CA Hierarchy and Trust Chains

Demystifying CA Hierarchy and Trust Chains In the realm of online security, the concept of Certificate Authorities (CAs) and their hierarchical structure plays a pivotal role in establishing trust. Whether you’re dealing with Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), it’s crucial to understand this hierarchy, often visualised as a tree, to ensure the integrity of digital certificates. In

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What is Passwordless

Passwords have been used for security since the 1970s. Throughout time, they have become the weakest point of security for organizations. Passwords can be easily targeted by online attacks, scams, and other dangers. For a long time, data breaches have been the biggest worry for businesses when it comes to security. The Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) found that 81%

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Unleashing the Power of XDR: Best Practices for Comprehensive Cybersecurity

As the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, organisations are seeking robust solutions to safeguard their digital assets. Extended Detection and Response (XDR) has emerged as a game-changing approach that offers a holistic and proactive defense against advanced cyber attacks. In this post, we will explore some best practices to maximize the effectiveness of XDR and how

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Tips and Tricks on using nSignHub

In this blog, I will share three expert tips and tricks that will enhance your experience and efficiency while using nSignHub. From time-saving shortcuts to advanced features that maximize security, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re a beginner just getting started with the platform or an experienced user looking to unlock its full potential, you can navigate nSignHub confidently and achieve

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eForm Filling with Digital Signatures

eForm filling with Digital Signatures has become a powerful solution to the workflows and enhances document security. The combination of eForm and digital signatures changes the way we handle the paperwork eliminating the need for the traditional paper-based process. In this blog, we will be exploring the benefits of the eForm filling with digital signatures and how it optimizes the operations

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Preventing Zero-Day Attacks

The term “zero-day”, refers to the fact that the vendors or developers have yet to learn of these security vulnerabilities, which means that these vulnerabilities are yet to be patched. Hence, a zero-day attack takes place when the malicious actors exploit these security flaws before the vendors or developers have an opportunity to address them.   The impact and damages of

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How to Choose the Right Digital Signing Solution in Singapore

Transitioning from physical signing to digital signing offers numerous benefits in terms of efficiency, convenience, and cost savings. Understanding your organisation’s needs is crucial when choosing a digital signing solution.   Gain a clear understanding of your organisation’s digital signing requirements, such as the number of documents that need signing, the desired level of security, and mobile accessibility. Consider the roles

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End-to-End Encryption, Security

End-to-End Encryption: How Does It Affect You

In our increasingly interconnected digital world, technology is always advancing whether you know it or not, and not unlike time and tide it waits for no man. And as technology moves forward, privacy has become a crucial concern. As we communicate, share personal information, and conduct transactions online, protecting our sensitive data from prying eyes has never been more important. One

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