Practices & Policies
Certificate Policies (CP) and the Certification Practice Statement (CPS) constitute a basis for the accreditation of a Certification Authority (CA). As a CA, Netrust makes a statement of association when it issues a certificate. It means that the certificate is associated with the person or equipment uniquely named within that certificate.
Netrust – An IMDA-accredited Certificate Authority
Netrust, a leading provider of digital certificate services and identity solutions, holds the esteemed distinction of being accredited by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) under the Certification Authority (CA) scheme in Singapore. The accreditation is an acknowledgment of Netrust’s commitment to maintaining high standards in the issuance and management of digital certificates, which are essential for secure online transactions and communications.
The IMDA, through its CA accreditation scheme, ensures that accredited CAs like Netrust adhere to strict security and operational standards as set out in the Singapore’s Electronic Transactions Act (ETA). This includes the management of robust systems to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of information, and putting in place reliable identity verification processes.
By obtaining accreditation from IMDA, Netrust demonstrates its adherence to these high standards and is recognized as a trusted provider of digital certificate services. For businesses and individuals utilizing Netrust’s services, this accreditation serves as an assurance of the company’s dedication to security, reliability, and compliance with Singapore’s legal and regulatory requirements.
Furthermore, as an accredited CA, Netrust plays a critical role in Singapore’s burgeoning digital economy, facilitating secure e-commerce, confidential communication, and electronic transactions across various sectors. This establishes Netrust as a fundamental pillar in the nation’s efforts to build a secure and thriving digital ecosystem.
Certification Practice Statement
CPS is a detailed statement of practices and operational procedures which a CA employs in the issuance of certificates. Netrust has introduced one single CPS to support the below CP(s). Each CP must be read in conjunction with the CPS. The Netrust CP(s) and CPS are to be understood and consulted by Netrust Relying Parties. The Relying Parties should assess their own requirements when relying on a particular Netrust certificate, taking into consideration the Netrust CP, applicable to that Netrust Certificate, together with the Netrust CPS.
Certificate Policies
Netrust issues multiple classes of certificates to support different certificate user communities. Each class of certificates is governed by a CP that differentiates the use of the certificates for different application purposes and/or by different certificate user communities.